Site Map


  Clinical Clerkship for Foreign Physicians | About this Website | Privacy Policy

First visit
    New Patients | Consultation and Non-consultation Days | Clinical Departments | Medical Fees | Special Medical Care Fees at the First or Return Visit | Examinations/Tests and Treatments
Return visits
    Return Visits | Consultation and Non-consultation Days | Clinical Departments | Medical Fees | Special Medical Care Fees at the First or Return Visit | Examinations/Tests and Treatments
Hospital Care & Visiting Hours
    Hospital Admission and Discharge | Meals and Nutrition Administration | To Visitors | Hokkaido University Hospital Family House
Clinical Department & Center
    Clinical departments
        Medical departments
            Internal Medicine I | Internal Medicine II | Gastroenterology and Hematology | Cardiovascular Medicine | Hematology | Medical Oncology | Gastroenterological Surgery I | Gastroenterological Surgery II | Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery | Orthopaedic Surgery | Urology | Anesthesiology | Plastic Surgery | Breast Surgery | Emergency Service | Neurological Medicine | Ophthalmology | Otolaryngology | Dermatology | Psychiatry and Neurology | Neurosurgery | Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine | Obstetrics | Gynecology | Pediatrics | Radiation Oncology | Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology | Nuclear Medicine | Department of Surgical Pathology
        Dental departments
            Preventive Dentistry | Endodontics and Periodontics | Crown and Bridge Prosthodontics | Gerodontology | Dentistry for Children and Disabled Persons | Orthodontics | Restorative Dentistry | Removable Prosthodontics | Oral Medicine | Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery | Dental Radiology | Dental Anesthesiology | Clinic of Temporomandibular Disorders | Clinic of Stomatognathic Function | Clinic of Dental Implants | Division for General Dentistry | Clinic of Bruxism | Clinic of Halitosis | Clinic of Eating and Swallowing Disorders | Clinic of Esthetic Dentistry
Floor Guide
    Overview of Buildings and Floors | Building layout plan | Outpatient Building | Convenience Store, Restaurant and Other Facilities
About us
    About Hokkaido University Hospital
        Philosophy and Objectives | Clinical Research Implementation Policies of Hokkaido University Hospital | External Evaluation | Approval for Opening of the Hospital, etc. | Numbers of Beds and Patients | Procedures Performed and Other Statistics | Medical Institution Designation and Publicly Funded Health Care | Number of Present Staff Members | Overview of Buildings and Floors | Building Layout Plan | Access
    Other clinical services
    Other information
        Message from the Director | Philosophy and Objectives | Rights of Patients | Miscellaneous | Emergency Medical Care | Hybrid Operating Room | Special Medical Care Fees at the First or Return Visit | Privacy Protection of Patients and Hospital Staff
    Requests from the Hospital
        Request for patients' cooperation